Friday, September 7, 2012


Dodgeball is the official sport of UTSW. Every semester, there's a tournament between the different colleges. Cary, Estabrook, Fashena, Pritchard, Seldin (the best!), and Sprague face off in an intense week of dodgeball-sanity! I was so pumped for my first game on Wednesday! Let me tell you what happened though...

The game was supposed to start at seven. Seldin vs. Estabrook. 5 rounds. 5 minutes each. 6 players on each team. Our team was all newbies, first-years, and we had never ventured into this realm of intensive dodgeball-ness before. As the clock counted down, we began to get increasingly worried. Two of our teammates -- guy teammates -- still hadn't shown up (not to be sexist or anything, but guys are usually the ones with stronger arms, a critical component of being able to throw dodgeballs...). Our college representative, David, ran around the student center trying to find last minute replacements, but alas, his efforts were in vain! We couldn't forfeit at that point, so we had to just go for it. Three girls, one guy vs. three guys, three girls. Let's just say the first game was not pretty. 

For our second game though, we managed to convince a random second year from Seldin, who was taking photographs of the event, to play with us (hence his classy outfit). It went a little better. And I found out I had a hidden talent for catching and dodging. In the end, we ended up winning one game, and losing three...which isn't that bad considering that we were short two men. 

(Intense look of concentration before the game starts)

(Let the games begin!)


Next semester = Seldin redemption

All photos from the UTSW Fall 2012 Dodgeball tournament.

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